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17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra

Aerial Photography of Cinque Terre in Italy

Web Development

AlgorithmX offers outstanding web development services where we utilize the latest technologies and creativity to develop custom digital experiences, from an ecommerce platform and a sleek corporate site to a powerful web application. We craft innovative solutions to elevate your online presence.


Web Development

Custom Web application development

With a large number of people spending a tremendous amount of their time online, it becomes crucial for any business to focus on creating a high-quality website. Our web development company offers custom web development services where our team designs especially tailored web applications and websites personalized to suit your specific business needs.

Headless CMS development

A headless CMS lets you handle content on various platforms using a single interface. Offering higher security than conventional alternatives, it protects your data from unauthorized users and allow you to hide direct external access. Our progressive web app development company specializes in developing applications with headless CMS support.

UI/UX web design

Our team of expert web developers in California uses the latest tools and design techniques to combine visuals with user-friendly interfaces to create memorable user experiences, focusing on easy navigation and clear communication while giving special attention to elements such as animations and fonts.

MVP Development

AlgorithmX holds expertise in developing a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) that adds value to your business and simplifies operations, giving real insights for your future planning. We use MVP to collect initial feedback on your idea from your target audience through our offshore web development services.

PWA development

We offer affordable web development services which include building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that are inexpensive and deliver an enhanced user experience across different platforms. PWAs enable companies to provide a mobile experience similar to native applications without having to create separate mobile applications.

Support & maintenance

AlgorithmX is one of the top companies that outsource web development in USA, offering constant support and maintenance assistance even after your website has been built and launched. We ensure your user’s satisfaction whenever they visit your website or platform by keeping it running smoothly.


of Web Development


Managing big data is smooth and bug-free, and scaling up is easy.


Established from a central location, web applications prioritize security and safety.


Your future web application will run seamlessly on all platforms with little to no downtime.

Ease of Maintenance

It is effortless to update, support, and maintain a web application.

Web Design & Development


Simple, Seamless, Streamlined.

  1. Research & Analysis

    Our experienced website developers upgrade projects by performing competitive analysis and efficiently organizing tasks.

  2. Wireframing & Prototyping

    Our web development company designs monochrome wireframes and initial prototypes to depict user navigation through the system.

  3. UI and UX Design

    After the client approves the prototype, we meticulously design the project with attention to every detail.

  4. Development & Review

    Then, we delve into application development and code review at our offshore web development company.

  5. Testing & Bug-fixing

    Before launching, we conduct rigorous manual and automated testing to detect and fix as many bugs as we can in our web design & development services

  6. Maintenance & support

    We start including updates and incorporating real user feedback as soon as the project is launched.

Our best

practices for
web Development

Responsive Designs

Our web app development company ensures that your web layout seamlessly adapts to different resolutions, screen sizes, and orientations.

User-Centric Approach

Both UX/UI designers and web developers share the collective responsibility of creating an intuitive user experience that AlgorithmX is focused on. We lay an emphasis on usability as well as data-driven decision-making.

Prioritize Accessibility

At our premier web development company, we comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), use semantic HTML, and take other measures to make sure your website or app is designed to be accessible to people with different abilities.

Optimize Performance

At AlgorithmX, we boost loading speeds by decreasing the number of HTTP requests and incorporating lazy loading and asynchronous loading methods.

Implement Progressive Enhancement

Our dedicated web development company leverages a progressive enhancement approach where we start with an inclusive framework and then add advanced, sophisticated elements to enhance it, guaranteeing that the content continues to be available for a wide range of audiences.

Update Dependencies

We use the latest tools and tech libraries to ensure that your web application or website stays updated.

Test Non-Functional Requirements

AlgorithmX utilizes strategies such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to ensure quality throughout the development process by performing tests on security, availability, and performance.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

We subject the web app to cross-browser testing to ensure its consistent appearance and behavior across various browsers.

Web Standards

At AlgorithmX, we adhere to the W3C guidelines i.e. standards and practices established by The World Wide Web Consortium, aimed towards maintaining accessibility and uniformity throughout the internet. Although they are not legally binding, the majority of the web developers follow and accept them.

Write Clean Code

We are focused on keeping your code clean and organized, incorporating abundant comments that clearly document your development efforts. This approach helps in making future changes and updates.

Security Measures

Our exceptional web development services guarantee high safety by implementing HTTPS and cross-checking among other security measures.

Validate Data Inputs

AlgorithmX works on securing inputs on both client and server sides to protect against data breaches, enhancing client satisfaction and improving data integrity.

Use Version Control

Our experienced website developers use tools like Git, a version control system to monitor modifications, promote teamwork, and safeguard each iteration of your project.

Test and Debug

We make sure to thoroughly test and troubleshoot the website or web application to address any issues and keep it functioning.

Adapt and Learn

At AlgorithmX, we stay updated on the latest trends in web development by interacting with the web development community, staying informed about industry news and advancements, and engaging in events and online forums.

SEO-Friendly Practices

We optimize your website to rank higher in search engines like Google through the effective use of meta tags and overall structure.

Employ Frameworks

As part of our expert web development services, we choose the libraries and frameworks based on the needs of the project, its functionality, category and interests of the web developers involved in the project.


From $20,000

For a custom branded corporate website

Up to $70,000

For a self service custom web portal

From $200,000

For an ecommerce solution with custom visual interface, integrated into a corporate IT infrastructure.

Up to $400,000

For complex enterprise web software.

We Leverage

Tech Stack


Get an Insight

We assure you the consultation is completely free. Let us understand the depths of your Idea and get the suggestion on how you can proceed further about growing it.