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17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra

Technical SEO Audit

Identify and fix technical issues to boost your site's
performance with our detailed SEO audit.

Technical Audit Services

Locate SEO issues
impacting your ranking

  • Crawlability & Sitemaps
  • Mobile-First
  • Site Structure
  • Internal Links
  • Site Performance
  • Penalty Recovery
  • Data Markup

Crawlability & Sitemaps

Enhancing crawlability entails addressing index issues, boosting site speed, and ensuring seamless page transitions. Sitemaps organize your website's crucial pages based on their content, which can be in either XML or HTML format.

Mobile-First Indexing

We implement mobile-first indexing to guarantee the usability and readability of your website on mobile devices. Given that a significant portion of website traffic comes from mobile users, optimizing your web pages for both computers and phones is essential.

Site Structure

If your website contains numerous unlinked pages that are challenging to navigate, it can negatively impact your ranking. As a technical SEO agency, we ensure your site structure is straightforward yet efficient, yielding optimal search engine results.

Internal Links

Integrating links from one page of your website to another is a vital component of SEO. This signals to crawlers the importance and credibility of each page, enhancing its trustworthiness. Additionally, it strengthens navigational functionality and standards, aiding bots in assessing your website more favorably.

Site Speed & Performance

Leveraging our extensive understanding of websites and backend production, we'll enhance your site speed and performance. This not only benefits your business and website users but also appeases crawlers, optimizing your ranking.

Penalty Recovery

Consider this service as a thorough cleanup of your website's backend and loose ends. For instance, unresponsive or unreliable backlinks could be hindering your site's search ranking. We step in to conduct a renovation of links and content, ensuring maximum efficiency and credibility.

Structured Data Markup

We craft a structured data markup to assist search engine crawlers in processing your site's content more efficiently.

Key Point

Achieve tranquility of thought through thorough technical SEO audits.

Our team of SEO specialists utilizes cutting-edge SEO software and proprietary tools to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your website's onsite SEO. No detail goes unnoticed.

  • Google My Business
  • Meta Tags, Titles, & Headings
  • SEO Friendly URLs
  • Sitemap Analysis
  • Content Review
  • Image Alt Tags & File Names
  • HTTP Status Codes & Redirects
  • Robots.txt & .htaccess
  • Structured Data
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Page Speed Analysis


Technical SEO Audits

Pinpoint the issues that are impacting your site's rankings.

Enhance search engine comprehension of your website by addressing on-page issues.

Guarantee that your business reaps the benefits of ongoing SEO endeavors.

Understand both the strategies your competitors are implementing and those they're not, to uncover potential areas for enhancement.

Maximize the effectiveness of your SEO campaign by optimizing external factors.

Technical SEO audits ascertain that third-party hyperlinks, server configuration, page load speed, and other external factors aren't compromising ongoing SEO endeavors.

Examine each opportunity thoroughly.

With our technical SEO audit, rest assured that no stone will be left unturned. We'll benchmark your site against industry best practices and ensure that every link in the chain is robust.

SEO Attracts Local Audience

We optimize results by identifying and promptly addressing SEO issues.

Comprising marketing experts, technical SEO analysts, and website developers, our full-service team is equipped to guide your team on necessary fixes or assist in resolving any issues.

Local SEO Experts Help Your Business

Get an Insight

We assure you the consultation is completely free. Let us understand the depths of your Idea and get the suggestion on how you can proceed further about growing it.