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17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra

Ads Audit

Optimize your campaigns with a detailed PPC audit
to enhance performance and maximize ROI.


What is a PPC audit?

A PPC audit is a comprehensive analysis of your Pay Per Click activity.

In order to improve the effectiveness of Pay Per Click as part of your marketing strategy, a PPC audit should cover a number of areas and should review the following as a minimum:

  • Account and campaign structures
  • Ad groups
  • Ad copy
  • Budgets

All of which will help to improve your business goals and your ROI. We can also provide PPC audits for many Pay Per Click platforms including:

What do

PPC audits

Before we start a PPC audit, we’ll establish what you’re hoping to achieve by using Pay Per Click as part of your marketing strategy. By understanding your business goals, we can focus our PPC audits on highlighting the actions required to achieve your overall objectives.

A well-structured ads account will give you better quality scores, the opportunity to organise and optimise easily, and will make sure that your ads are being seen by the relevant audiences. We’ll advise on the correct hierarchy to save you management time and provide you with improved data for making future decisions on the focus of your efforts.

In our PPC audits, we will identify opportunities for optimising the performance of your existing & future PPC campaigns to make sure you are getting the best ROI for your advertising spend.

Are your campaigns organised into brand and non-brand? Are your Search and Display Network campaigns separate? Have you got a consistent naming system? We can make sure that your ads campaigns are structured to support your goals and set up so that you can manage them in the most efficient way.

Ad group structure is critical to the success of your campaigns. Ad groups need to be set up correctly to achieve the goals of your campaigns. We will make sure that your ad groups are set up with keywords you need to target and exclude, contain the number of ad variations necessary to measure content performance, and that the landing pages are highly relevant to the keywords. We’ll check that keywords are thematically well-organised and the ad copy is true to the search intent of those keywords. This will help you achieve high quality scores which directly affect the performance of your ads.

We’ll take a deep-dive into your keyword strategy to identify patterns and trends beyond individual keywords. We’ll look at keywords from a campaign level on down to identify relevance, search intent and performance of the keywords. Our analysis will reveal where keywords are off subject matter, have low quality and are not returning your required CPC, CTR and conversions.

If your ads are receiving a low impression share we will advise you how to maximise that share by improving your quality score and reviewing your bidding strategy.

We’ll analyse your ad copy and review how well the creative, voice & tone, and messaging reflect your business and the products and services you are offering. We’ll let you know if your ads are optimised for best performance and whether you’re testing enough ad variations to learn what’s working and what’s not. As part of our PPC audits, we’ll review your landing page design and strategy to check you’re sending potential customers to highly relevant pages that have gone through a process of Conversion Rate Optimisation.

Setting up bid management is a complicated area of PPC and easily done wrong – whether that is via automated bidding or using a third-party application. The most effective solution will differ for each business. As part of our PPC audits, we’ll ask the right questions about your scale, margins and long term sales goals to determine if your account is being managed in the best way possible.

Keywords are the bread and butter of PPC, but they can’t just be left to build up. From duplicate keywords to excessive broad match campaigns, and narrow targeting scopes to poor negative keyword structure, it’s easy to go after the wrong queries that won’t get your ads seen by the right people. We help rectify that.

Are you using older ad formats? Are there errors in your copy? Our pay per click audit ensures your ads are up to date and compelling, so you can get more people clicking and lining your pockets. We also recommend an array of ad extensions and ad customisers that help you personalise your copy to improve CTR.

Tired of wasting your budget on campaigns that don’t work? We analyse your bid strategies to ensure no budget is being wasted on irrelevant queries and no opportunities are being missed because campaigns lack budget.

" Whether you’ve invested your spend in Google, Bing or another search engine, we leave no stone unturned in our fight to produce the best PPC results to get you noticed. We make you more money. We make you famous by combining research, analysis and audience personas to ensure you get a bespoke plan that actually works. "
Talk to us

What does our PPC Audit cover?

What do we look for?

We cast our net far and wide and aim to cover the key elements of your account. We look for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We focus on overall account structure, keywords, ad copy & assets, ad strength, quality score, bidding strategy, locations targeting, campaign types, attribution models, conversion tracking, dynamic ads and other opportunities for growth.

What happens after?

We provide you with a visualised report of our findings. We organise the data so it becomes easy to understand and highlights the key action points. One of our experts will then guide you through your audit in a consultation arranged at your convenience. We will then work with you to plan out the next steps in your PPC strategy and help you determine your revised PPC goals.

Account Structure

Keywords & Negative Keywords

Bidding Strategy

Location Targeting

Ad Copy & Assets

Conversions & Attribution

Get an Insight

We assure you the consultation is completely free. Let us understand the depths of your Idea and get the suggestion on how you can proceed further about growing it.