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17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra



17 Hours ago

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra

SEO Audits

Thorough SEO audits to identify opportunities, enhance website
performance, and boost search engine rankings.

Audit Services

Locate SEO issues
impacting your ranking

  • On-page
  • Off-page
  • Technical SEO
  • SEO Report
  • Audit Implementation
  • SEO Strategy

On-Page SEO Services

The beginning of your search engine optimization audit focuses on on-page SEO, during which we identify issues such as:

  • Duplicate content
  • Keyword stuffing & Thin Content
  • Missing title tags & meta descriptions

Besides identifying these issues, AlgorithmX will provide recommendations on how to fix them.

Off-Page SEO Services

What reputation does your website hold? You're on the verge of discovering. As part of your SEO audit strategy, you'll be provided with an off-page analysis and comparison, examining your off-page SEO as well as that of your primary competitors. We assess various areas, including:

  • Backlink quality
  • Backlink anchor text
  • Backlink placement
  • Backlink relevancy
  • Backlink quantity

Anticipate receiving actionable recommendations that extend beyond mere suggestions like "Get more links." Instead, we offer a tailored strategy detailing how your business can cultivate relevant links from reputable sites within your industry. The most advantageous aspect? You can implement this strategy with the expertise of our in-house team of off-page SEO specialists.

Technical SEO Services

Could a crawling and indexing issue be hindering your site's visibility in search results? Your dedicated SEO audit expert will investigate! As part of your search engine optimization audit, they'll delve into several critical files and technical SEO elements, including:

  • .htaccess file
  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap
  • HTTP headers
  • 404 error pages
  • Page speed

Rest assured, we've got you covered when it comes to resolving these SEO issues as well. With our in-house development team, you can address these issues swiftly and begin to witness the results of your efforts, such as having your site indexed in Google or Bing search results.

SEO Reports

After our thorough analysis and audit, your dedicated account manager will furnish actionable and prioritized recommendations for resolving SEO issues across your site. Subsequently, your business can determine whether to address these issues internally or enlist the support of your AlgorithmX team. For context, our recommendations may encompass, but are not confined to:

  • Duplicate content
  • Broken links
  • Site statistics
  • Similar title tags
  • Duplicate meta descriptions
  • Web copy editing
  • HTML validation
  • Browser and resolution compatibility
  • Page loading times

The elements outlined above represent only a portion of what AlgorithmX will cover as part of your SEO audit package. Each of these factors plays a role in drawing search engine crawlers and, consequently, potential customers to your site.

Audit Implementation Services

Select the option that suits your needs best: Address the issues internally or utilize your AlgorithmX team to begin capturing more traffic (and revenue).

With AlgorithmX's comprehensive team, comprising SEO specialists, web developers, professional copywriters, and beyond, you can implement your SEO recommendations effectively and begin witnessing the outcomes, such as enhanced indexing, improved rankings, increased traffic, and beyond.

Opting to address SEO issues internally? AlgorithmX is here to assist! Our SEO audit services encompass SEO support and training from our team. Whether you require guidance for your developers during a fix or explanations for implementing a solution, we're here to provide assistance.

SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization isn't merely a one-time digital marketing tactic; it's a dynamic strategy that has empowered businesses to expand their operations, venture into new markets, and invigorate local economies. That's why AlgorithmX's SEO audit services not only address existing SEO issues but also furnish a recommended SEO strategy, providing guidance on next steps. Your strategy is tailored to consider:

  • Your business
  • Your market
  • Your goals

The outcome? An actionable plan meticulously crafted around your business and your aspirations for the future.

Key Point

Ensure you seize every opportunity with our comprehensive SEO analysis.

We meticulously assess your site's current SEO performance, benchmarking it against your competitors. Our approach to driving results involves thorough research to identify the optimal keywords for your business, strategically mapping them to formulate a website plan focused on delivering tangible outcomes.

  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Mapping
  • Onsite SEO
  • Site Crawler Review
  • Google Analytics Analysis
  • Site Architecture
  • Google Search Console


Our Services

Common Issues


Affecting Your SEO

  • On-Page
  • Off-Page
  • Server Files

On-Page factors affecting your SEO

What's the use of having an appealing website if it never garners visibility? We've encountered numerous clients with visually stunning, captivating, and well-designed websites that struggle to rank in search engines, leaving them puzzled. Why doesn't such a website perform well in rankings despite its aesthetic appeal and rich content?

Often, the underlying issue in these scenarios revolves around content in various forms.

This could entail insufficient content on each page ("thin content"), identical or absent title tags and meta descriptions, or multiple URLs directing to the same page ("duplicate content").

AlgorithmX specializes in pinpointing these on-page impediments to ranking and provides recommendations for necessary adjustments through our SEO auditing services. Rectifying these on-page factors can yield a significant, immediate, and positive impact on your rankings.

Off-Page factors affecting your SEO

Off-page factors significantly influence your organic search positions, constituting nearly 80% of search engines' ranking algorithms. Hence, conducting precise off-page analysis is paramount. These factors primarily revolve around links: their quantity, the anchor text employed, and their placement.

Typically, these off-page factors evade detection by the average web visitor and are challenging to identify manually. Fortunately, AlgorithmX offers a range of services tailored for off-page analysis and comparison. Our team will identify these elusive factors and devise a strategy aimed at enhancing your online reputation and expanding your digital presence.

Server files affecting your SEO

Several files on your server, such as .htaccess, robots.txt, and sitemap.xml, determine how search engines access and index your content. Optimizing these files for proper configuration can significantly impact your rankings.

The .htaccess file is a configuration tool that directs users and search engines to specific pages, facilitates custom error pages, and applies 301 redirects on your site.

The robots.txt file in your website's root directory blocks web spiders from specific folders, typically those unrelated to your site's theme or containing dead-end content like PDF files.

Optimizing and submitting a sitemap.xml file aids search engine crawling and visitor navigation by providing links and descriptions for each page, prioritizing them from most to least important.

Server configurations like HTTP headers, 404 error pages, and page load times affect search engine traffic. AlgorithmX advises on optimal strategies for these, ensuring positive outcomes.

Reports Provided
to Clients

Pages Reviewed

Implement Audit

Audit Report

Future Site Strategy

Competitive Scorecard

Backlink Report

Keyword Research

SEO Reporting

Acquire Link

In-Depth Linking


Your Current SEO Status

301 redirects Broken links Canonicalization
Code to text ratio Crawl errors – complete list Geo-location
Google Webmaster tools parameter exclusions Google Webmaster tools preferred domain HTML/CSS code review
HTTP status codes – home page HTTP status codes – sitewide Image optimization
Internal link structure Page content Remote use of .js & CSS
Robots.txt configuration Shared IP addresses Site compression configuration
Site load time – average Site load time – home page Sitemap.xml configuration
Sitemap.xml index rate Static/dynamic URL configuration Title tag optimization
Analytics program configuration Duplicate content Home page content
Information architecture Link profile Site theme and content
Spam/malware Top keyword rankings Top keyword traffic
Website conversion Website wrapper Post audit client implementation review (1 hour)

Get an Insight

We assure you the consultation is completely free. Let us understand the depths of your Idea and get the suggestion on how you can proceed further about growing it.